Jan 20, 2025

Data Collection Timeline: Updates for the eccuity Platform

This article outlines when all of our statistics and figures are updated for the eccuity platform, over the week. Letting you know when the vital data you need will be available.

Data Collection Timeline: Updates for the eccuity Platform

Market Opening Times.

The US Market opens 9:30AM to 4PM Eastern time, in the US, and is closed on Major US holidays.

In New Zealand, that means that the market is opening in the early hours of the morning, Tuesday through Saturday. This means that you are most likely to be asleep during the majority of the time that the US market is open.

With daylight savings in both countries shifting the opening hour window throughout the year, the US Market opening times in NZ and UTC are:

For our New Zealand Audience:

2:30 AM until 9:00 AM NZST (Mid-March to early April)

1:30 AM until 8:00 AM NZST (Early April to late September)

2:30 AM until 9:00 AM NZDT (Late September to Early November)

3:30 AM until 10:00 AM NZDT (Early November to mid-March)

For our International Audience:

2:30 PM until 9:00 PM UTC (Mid-March to early April)

1:30 PM until 8:00 PM UTC (Early April to late September)

3:30 PM until 10:00 PM UTC (Late September to Early November)

4:30 PM until 11:00 PM UTC (Early November to mid-March)

Daily Pricings and Data Streaming

We stream pricing data, Tuesday through Saturday while the US market is open.

Our Pricing updates consistently every 3 seconds through streaming data from the US market, This data does come with a 15 minute delay, while the market is still open.

These prices are continually updated until the US Market is closed, at which time the current price should be displayed. There may be a delay before we can get the closed daily price from our data provider, this means that the previous day’s closing price may be temporarily displayed directly after market close, until it can be updated.

You can see an example of the daily price here:

This Pricing data is streamed to our site, while the US market is open.

Financial Statements

The financial statements of each company are updated yearly by each company.

These statements are a report of earnings, every year, examples of some of the data provided by the company are: income statement, balance sheet and cash flow statement.

This information is displayed on the Asset Cards, and is updated daily because companies don’t have an obligation to report earnings at any one time. But they are obligated to need to have a new version posted each year (called Annual reports), and every quarter of each financial year. (called Quarterly Reports)

These need to be available as soon as they can be to our users. So we update the Financial statements daily at 00:00 NZST time (03:00 UTC). Every day of the year.

An example image of these financial statements that are updated within our application can be viewed in this image:

These are the financial statements that are updated Daily.

Ratio Reports

Ratio reports are key facts, figures and minutia from each company that you are investing in, and include all of the fine minute detail you may need to know to inform your investing decisions.

These ratio reports are updated daily at 00:00 NZST (03:00 UTC), every day of the year.

An example image of the ratio reports that are updated daily on our website can be viewed in these images:

These are the detailed ratio reports, that let our users compare fine details between one company to another.

Asset List Performance

The Asset list performance graphs, that let you accurately tell how an asset list that has been created is performing.

Our asset lists, that let you track the performance of a group of companies, and communally vote on how that group of assets will do.

These asset lists are key for user’s who are tracking how a potential investment strategy performs, and need to be kept updated with graphs which relay the performance to our users in a visual, easy to digest manner.

Due to these requirements, we update the prices and graphs for all of our asset lists daily.

The Performance Chart reports are updated 15 minutes after we collect the daily pricing data. Tuesday through Saturday, at 15:30 NZST (03:30 UTC).

You can see an example image of what will be updated within Asset lists in the image below:

These are the graphs that track the performance of each asset list, which are updated daily, Tuesday through Saturday.

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