Important Stuff

In the spirit of transparency here are the links to really important information you should check out before using our service.

Twitter Integration Logo - Techflow X Webflow Template
Facebook Integration Logo - Techflow X Webflow Template
Instagram Integration Logo - Techflow X Webflow Template
Tiktok Integration Logo - Techflow X Webflow Template
Contact us

Want to talk to a human or need more information? Contact us at our help center

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Terms and conditions

Read our terms before using our service!

Transparency statement

Read about how we make money and any possible conflicts of interest

alpaca securities agreement

For eccuity Invest access you are Signing an Alpaca securities Agreement to invest in US Stocks and ETFs

alpaca crypto agreement

For eccuity Invest access you are Signing an Alpaca Crypto Agreement to invest in crypto

company structure

Learn about how our business is structured and how we handle money flows

eccuity Invest Extra Care Customer Statement

Information regarding Extra Care Customers

Complaints Handling process

Information regarding how to file a complaint


Wealth Management Reimagined

Transparency, Low Fees, Smart Investing