Jan 17, 2025

How Secure is my eccuity Account?

This article covers account security, insurance, and fund protection for eccuity Invest users.

How Secure is my eccuity Account?

Your eccuity account (paper trading account) isn’t covered by any insurance as no ‘real’ money is at risk.

Your eccuity Invest account where you are trading real funds is covered by a newly introduced Excess SIPC Scheme introduced by our partners Alpaca which covers assets up to $30 million in securities and $1 million in cash.

In the event of eccuity or eccuity Invest ever having to shut down. All user funds are held in a separate, secure account.

Full compensation will be offered to users who still had funds within the platform at the time of closure.

For more information of our company structure visit: https://www.eccuity.com/about

For an additional layer of account security, sign up for Two-Factor authentication, using this guide: https://eccuity.tawk.help/article/two-factor-authentication

If you have any other queries, concerns or questions, do not hesititate to reach out to us at admin@eccuity.com. Where a member of our friendly team will help you as soon as they can!

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