Two-Factor Authentications works to add another layer of security to your eccuity account, It will generate you a unique code which you can use to log-in from either:
- Google Authenticator
- Microsoft Authenticator
To download these authenticators, navigate to the appropriate application store on your phone (App store on Apple iPhones or Google Play Store for Android Phones) and download your preffered authenticator application.
To link your authenticator to your eccuity account:
- Log-in to your eccuity account.
- Navigate to account settings.
- Select the Account Tab.
- Press on Either the Google or Microsoft Authenticator application links found under the 'Integrations' header.
- This will open the respective log-in screens for the authenticator you have chosen. Link these accounts to the eccuity application and you are now covered by Two-Factor Authentication.
If you get notifications that someone is trying to log-in to your account. youll be able to stop them from doing so from denying the authenticator request on the relevant application.
If this ever happens to you:
- Secure your account by changing your password
- If you use this password for any other of your accounts, it would be smart to also change the password for those websites to keep you as secure as possible.