Jan 17, 2025

What is an IRD Number?

This article covers what an IRD number is and where you can find it.

What is an IRD Number?
Your IRD (Inland Revenue Department) number is a number unique to New Zealand Citizens that helps keep track of the tax you pay and helps make sure you pay the right amount or get the right entitlements.

It's unique to you. If you have a company, trust, partnership, or other type of business, you'll need a different IRD number for each one.

You can find out what your IRD number is in numerous ways:

- on payslips.

- on letters or statements we've sent you.

- on income details from your employer.

If you don't have any documents that show your IRD number, Visit this website: https://www.ird.govt.nz/contactus/lost-ird-number to verify your identity and receive your IRD number.

If you have any questions, reach out to us at admin@eccuity.com, a member of our friendly team will be able to help you as soon as possible.

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